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Torque sensor manufacturers have transformed many machine components
2023-10-13 14:30:57
donut load cell  offer multiple signal output options: mV/V, digital, 0-5 or 0-10 VDC and 4-20 mA. These output options can be customized to suit any instrument, PLC or DAQ system.
 Sensing Systems is a pioneer in the specialty design of “fully custom” or “custom” load cells and torque sensors and has developed sensor designs tailored to customer needs since its inception.
 YORK, Pa., September 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For applications that cannot accommodate large load cells, Morehouse Instrument Company has introduced a line of compact multi-column load cells. The three new models (25K, 50K and 100K) are packaged in small stainless steel boxes and offer high repeatability.
 Our customers have told us loud and clear that space is always limited. “We are addressing this challenge with our new compact load cells that are small enough to fit easily into small spaces and have the measurement capabilities to perform the same tasks as their larger counterparts,” says Henry Zumbrun, president of Morehouse.
 Load cells are an important device for measuring load and mass. This technology has been improved to be extremely precise. Load cells calculate highly precise and non-invasive load measurement data.
 When correctly calibrated, their shear beam load cell is between 0.03% and 0.25% of the measuring range. To benefit from this accuracy, many manufacturers choose to use custom load cells as part of their equipment.
 Custom load cells or force transducers are designed to meet specific product requirements in terms of shape, size and measurement capability.Custom load cells can also be manufactured to withstand harsh environmental requirements such as the vacuum of space, high or cryogenic temperatures, underwater use, and strong magnetic fields.
 There are many benefits to using custom or non-standard load cells. An existing part can be redesigned to function as a load cell in existing equipment or as part of a test setup when cost, space and performance are critical factors.
 The requirement that normally drives a fully customized sensor does not change the overall geometry of the system. When you convert an existing part into a force sensor, the width, height, or thickness of the original part generally does not change.
 Furthermore, a fully tailored approach to load cells can significantly reduce the  complexity of the overall system. Additional mounting or alignment components can be minimized or  removed, leaving the part  as it was before the additional sensing capabilities.
 The  time and effort required to develop and produce a customized or fully customized load cell is not insignificant.However, most of the time this approach pays off in terms of long-term savings due to shorter assembly times and fewer parts.
torque sensor manufacturers  have transformed many machine components into force or torque sensors. From simple  cylindrical actuators in a press to load cells, complex and customized rotary drive shafts to multi-axis rotational force and torque sensors, everything is possible.
Provide a rigid support structure. The load cell mount and tank system must be designed to avoid deflection that could affect  readings. If the tank is on long legs, the load cells must be installed on top of the legs and not on the bottom. Ensure adequate bracing and transverse reinforcement. If you use multiple load cells, make sure they carry approximately the same load.

 The customer receives a force measurement at a carefully selected point
by integrating the sensor function directly into the part of interest.
There are no losses due to friction or misalignment, which can easily
occur when assembling a ready-to-use load cell into the desired

 For many requirements, it is worth the extra effort to carry out a
precise and accurate measurement in an otherwise difficult or impossible
location. The method of integrating a fully custom or non-standard load
cell into an existing test setup or setup has endless application


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