Climate change and botched policies push Pakistan toward food insecurity

A combination of government failures and an ever-more unpredictable climate has seen food prices surge while crop yields are affected

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<p>Traffic between Montevideo and the coastal city of Punta del Este becomes particularly heavy on weekends. A high-speed motorway proposed to ease congestion, but has been shelved amid community opposition. (Image: Ramiro Barreiro / Dialogue Earth)</p>
Photo story

Communities sink Uruguay’s first motorway

Opposition from agroecological farmers helped to bring about the shelving of a planned project for the country’s first major high-speed road


right whale entangled in heavy fishing rope Article

Saving whales, one rope at a time

Reports of whales trapped in fishing gear are on the rise worldwide, as are the risky attempts of ‘disentanglers’ to free them
Four solar panels floating on the ocean, an offshore platform in the background Article

Is China ready to put solar panels out at sea?

Solar farms in the ocean could generate clean energy on a vast scale, but there are difficult waters to navigate first
A group of indigenous gathering for a ceremony Opinion

Indonesia’s president-elect must move to ratify Indigenous Peoples Bill

With Prabowo winning the election, now is the time to enshrine Indigenous rights, write Michelin Sallata and Roberto Duma Buladja
Fishers gather by the edge of a tilting boat to pull in a net full of fish Opinion

Repurpose harmful fisheries subsidies to alleviate poverty

As WTO talks to limit these subsidies falter, another route could reap environmental and human benefits, write Louise Teh and Rashid Sumaila
Palm oil: a Dialogue Earth reporting project Explore our in-depth coverage